Hollywood Measurements

Stephen Amell Height, Weight and Body Measurements

Stephen Amell


Curious about Stephen Amell height? Wondering what is Stephen Amell weight? Looking for Stephen Amell body measurements? Searching for how tall is Stephen Amell?

You don’t need to look anymore! We have all that information, Stephen Amell’s measurements, some cool photos and a short bio.

Check Stephen Amell’s body measurements below:

Stephen Amell Age

Date of Birth – 8 May 1981

Stephen Amell Height in cm

185 cm

Stephen Amell Height in Feet

6 feet 1 inches

Stephen Amell Weight

82 kgs, 181 pounds

Stephen Amell Body Fat Percentage


Stephen Adam Amell is a Canadian actor best known for his role as  Oliver Queen / Green Arrow in the popular TV series “Arrow”.

Stephen wanted to be an actor since kid, and participated in many shows like “Vampie Diaries”, “Queer as Folk”, “Degrassi: The Next Generation”, Missing”, “Blue State Mountain”, “CSI: Miami” and “NCIS: Los Angeles”. He also starred in “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows” as Casey Jones.

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