Hollywood Measurements

Peyton List Height, Weight and Body Measurements

Curious about Peyton List age? Wondering what is Peyton List height? Looking for Peyton List weight? Searching for how old is Peyton List?

You don’t need to look anymore! We have all that information, Peyton List’s measurements, some cool photos and a short bio.

Check Peyton List’s body measurements below:

Peyton List Age

Date of Birth – 6 April 1998

Peyton List Height in cm

170 cm

Peyton List Height in Feet

5 feet 7 inches

Peyton List Weight

53 kgs, 117 pounds

Peyton List Measurements

35-24-36 (Bust – Waist – Hips)

Peyton List Bra Size


Peyton List Body Fat Percentage


Peyton Roi List is an American actress and model, known for playing Emma Ross on the Disney Channel comedy series “Jessie and Holly Hills” in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid film series.

As a young child, she appeared in several films and TV shows, modelled for teen magazines and companies.

You can also follow Peyton List in the social networks:

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