Hollywood Measurements

Raini Rodriguez Height, Weight and Body Measurements

Raini Rodriguez


Curious about Raini Rodriguez age? Wondering what is Raini Rodriguez weight? Looking for Raini Rodriguez height? Searching for how old is Raini Rodriguez?

You don’t need to look anymore! We have all that information, Raini Rodriguez’s measurements, some cool photos and a short bio.

Check Raini Rodriguez’s body measurements below:

Raini Rodriguez Age

Date of Birth – 1 July 1993

Raini Rodriguez Height in cm

153 cm

Raini Rodriguez Height in Feet

5 feet 0 inches

Raini Rodriguez Weight

70 kgs, 154 pounds

Raini Rodriguez Measurements

36-37-42 (Bust – Waist – Hips)

Raini Rodriguez Bra Size


Raini Rodriguez Body Fat Percentage


Raini Rodriguez is an American actress and singer, best known for her role as Trish in the Disney series “Austin & Ally”. She also participated in the movies “Paul Blart: Mall Cop” and “Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2” and “Prom”.

She is the sister of the actor Rico Rodriguez, and both of them were home-schooled by their mother because they didn’t have much time to attend school.

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