Hollywood Measurements

Durrani Popal Height, Weight and Body Measurements

Curious about Durrani Popal height? Wondering what is Durrani Popal weight? Looking for Durrani Popal age? Searching for how tall is Durrani Popal?

You don’t need to look anymore! We have all that information, Durrani Popal’s measurements, some cool photos and a short bio.

Check Durrani Popal’s body measurements below:

Durrani Popal Age

Date of Birth – 6 May 1989

Durrani Popal Height in cm

159 cm

Durrani Popal Height in Feet

5 feet 3 inches

Durrani Popal Weight

59 kgs, 130 pounds

Durrani Popal Measurements

36-25-36 (Bust – Waist – Hips)

Durrani Popal Bra Size


Durrani Popal Body Fat Percentage


Durrani Popal become popular in a reality TV show “Dash Dolls”. The show is focused in the life of Dash boutique employees, and it is a spin-off of the popular “Keeping Up With Kardashians£ TV show.

Durrani graduated from the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising and created a jewlery line called Jewels by Durrani.

You can also follow Durrani Popal in the social networks:

Find Durrani Popal on Twitter
Find Durrani Popal on Instagram

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