Hollywood Measurements

Luke Hemmings Height, Weight and Body Measurements

Curious about Luke Hemmings height? Wondering what is Luke Hemmings age? Looking for Luke Hemmings weight? Searching for how tall is Luke Hemmings?

You don’t need to look anymore! We have all that information, Luke Hemmings’s measurements, some cool photos and a short bio.

Check Luke Hemmings’s body measurements below:

Luke Hemmings Age

Date of Birth – 16 July 1996

Luke Hemmings Height in cm

182 cm

Luke Hemmings Height in Feet

5 feet 12 inches

Luke Hemmings Weight

73 kgs, 161 pounds

Luke Hemmings Body Fat Percentage


Luke Robert Hemmings is the Australian lead vocalist and guitarist of 5 Seconds of Summer band (5SOS), along with Calum Hood, Michael Clifford and Ashton Irwin.

Luke’s favourite team is the Sydney Swans in AFL and he loves snowboarding.

You can also follow Luke Hemmings in the social networks:

Find Luke Hemmings on Twitter
Find Luke Hemmings on Instagram
Find Luke Hemmings on Facebook

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