Hollywood Measurements

Andre The Giant Height, Weight and Body Measurements

Andre The Giant


Curious about Andre The Giant height? Wondering what is Andre The Giant weight? Looking for Andre The Giant body measurements? Searching for how tall was Andre The Giant?

You don’t need to look anymore! We have all that information, Andre The Giant’s measurements, some cool photos and a short bio.

Check Andre The Giant’s body measurements below:

Andre The Giant Age

Date of Birth – 19/05/1946
Died: 27-01-1993

Andre The Giant Height in cm

224 cm

Andre The Giant Height in Feet

7 feet 4 inches

Andre The Giant Weight

240 kgs, 529 pounds

Andre The Giant Body Fat Percentage


André René Roussimoff, best known as André the Giant, was a French professional wrestler and actor. Andre died in his sleep of heart failure on the night of January 27, 1993. He was in Paris at the time attending his father’s funeral.

Andre was famous for his massive size, but it resulted from excess growth hormone that make him suffer from acromegaly. He became popular for his feud with Hulk Hogan and some roles in movies such as “The Princess Bride”.

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