Hollywood Measurements

Nick Robinson Height, Weight and Body Measurements

Curious about Nick Robinson age? Wondering what is Nick Robinson height? Looking for Nick Robinson weight? Searching for how old is Nick Robinson?

You don’t need to look anymore! We have all that information, Nick Robinson’s measurements, some cool photos and a short bio.

Check Nick Robinson’s body measurements below:

Nick Robinson Age

Date of Birth – 22 March 1995

Nick Robinson Height in cm

185 cm

Nick Robinson Height in Feet

6 feet 1 inches

Nick Robinson Weight

78 kgs, 172 pounds

Nick Robinson Body Fat Percentage


Nicholas John “Nick” Robinson is an American actor. He became famous for his role in the movie “Jurassic World” and in the TV show “Melissa & Joey”.

He also participated in the movies “The Kings of Summer”, The 5th Wave”, “Frenemies” and “Everything, Everything”.

You can also follow Nick Robinson in the social networks:

Find Nick Robinson on Twitter
Find Nick Robinson on Instagram
Find Nick Robinson on Wikipedia

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